Building a gaming PC?

ShiftySatchmo said in Building a gaming PC?:

teh_g said in Building a gaming PC?:

ShiftySatchmo said in Building a gaming PC?:

teh_g said in Building a gaming PC?:

ArsonSami said in Building a gaming PC?:

Step 1. get a loan Step 2. buy cheap things step 3. play step 4. cry every time while returning the loan step 5. game on XD

I usually go with NewEgg or Amazon’s credit card for the sweet no interest deals for 1 year. It makes payment a bit easier.

I just save until I can afford it without credit.

Mr. Responsible over here. I like earning my sweet sweet credit card rewards.

That’s why the key is save the money, use the card for rewards, pay it off right away, ???, no debt.

Or pay on Credit Card with 0% interest if you pay the account off in full each month; then that money is instead being used against your mortgage until the end of the month…

Fuck I hate the adult I’ve become.