Days Gone

Pretty sure reviewers are off 90% of the time.

90% of the time they’re off 100% of the time


My wife got me this game so I guess I have to get on that hype train

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Your wife is a good person.


The amount of onscreen enemies at once is impressive

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As a developer I can say that it’s not impressive. There’s literally one set of zombie assets in memory and each one drawn on screen has a few float values thrown at it that makes it look slightly diff than the others. The fact that it’s 30fps and the hoards play a minor role in the overall game suggests the story was just good. That’s what made it good.

Just from a player perspective, I enjoy the huge number. I know there isn’t a whole lot of variety in them, it is just fun seeing that many on screen and how they flip out. I like the story, really the way the game handles side missions all having storylines is really well done vs every other open world game just giving you random ones

I could do without all the sneaking/Nero stuff though

Don’t get me wrong, the hordes were fun, just not impressive at a technical standpoint. That said most of the good games on ps4 use smoke and mirrors like this to hide how shit the hardware is. They barely hit 1080p most of the time. 1080p was a bragging point for ps3/360. The next set of consoles are roughly mid range pcs, we’ll probably actually be impressed at that stage.

Is this the same engine as Horizon Zero Dawn?

Yeah, gotta be. This is like the last of us meets horizon. I like it


I did this last night. This is why I love this game


No. Days Gone uses Unreal Engine. Horizon uses Decima engine. Death Stranding will be using Decima as well.

Well it uses whatever makes the gameplay the gameplay. It has the same mechanics. The item/crafting wheel, the stealth, the special vision (to a lesser degree) and the slow mo ranged combat. They were like hey let’s make this game have zombies instead of robots. Feels very similar but I didn’t get bored after a couple hours like I did with horizon. It actually makes me want to give horizon a second chance.

Those are just standard open world mechanics these days.

Yeahhhh but it feels like almost an exact copy to me. Nothing wrong with it though.

I liked the gameplay mechanics in Horizon. And the combat. The story is boring as hell.

I definitely had more feels from Days Gone.

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Some of the frame drops in this game are devastating, but the game is so good so… meh.

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