Expanding Links Trial

Hey all,

Since I am lazy and like staying in line, I enabled a plugin that expands links automagically in most cases. For the most part it should be automatic and only require you to put the link on its own line.

Let me know if you think it is annoying or you run into issues.

GitHub frame:

YouTube frame:

teh_g your rick roll failed!


p3ssimist_gΛming I actually deliberately set it so no videos will autoplay. I hate when websites do that…


teh_g would of been better for this tho :slight_smile:


There was some large increase in page loads when a lot of the embeds existed. I will keep evaluating new things, but will keep it off for now.

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Made some changes and brought them back. There is a semi-annoying bug that causes the URL to reload in the preview pane every time you type. Lazy workaround for now is to not put in the URL until you are done typing :wink:

To add, I did disable general links getting the little card. I think that will cut down a lot on the hits to this service.

teh_g said in Expanding Links Trial:

p3ssimist_gΛming I actually deliberately set it so no videos will autoplay. I hate when websites do that…


I hate that too. With a passion.

Is it bad that I remember dancing to this song and enjoying it when it first came out?

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FYI, I have officially subscribed to this. I think the embedded links add some cool embeds here and are well worth while!