Grabbed, thanks for the heads up!
I tried that game, clicked stuff, had no idea what I was doing. I’m naturally dumb so yeah.
So glad you said it and not me
Elementary oldschool
@ShiftySatchmo is gonna be probably happy
Who doesn’t want this game for freeeee?! I have the original cartridge still that came with my genesis
Not me. I took it anyway
Sonic the Hedgehog 2 is the game I played the most on the genesis, Never beat it. Wasn’t until high school when I bought the sonic the hedgehog collection on PS2 that I realized I was always getting to the last level before failing.
I beat it in elementary school
Pro gamer Shifty over here. Beating games as a child.
He’s beating children as a pro
Haha when I was a kid we got like one or two games a year so we played the heck out of them. It’s too easy to quit these days. Well, and most games are too easy.
Now you can call me Grandpa Shifty
I was young when I had the genesis I don’t remember ever getting a new game for it. We just owned a few games and that was it.
When I was young, I was only young and that’s about it.