Good local Co-op titles for PS4?

GX, Need suggestion about Co-op games (story ones will be best).
finally bought another controller to play on my Brother’s and cousin’s PS4 pro.

For Ps4 want to know local co-op games as for now not getting a PS plus membership, have fifa 17 and COD AW.

  • LEGO games are what i know of.
  • heard star wars battlefront 2 have local co-op ?

PS: Bloodborne sucks and here are pics of my brothers ps4(s)

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Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime
Rayman Legends

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Little Big Planet 3
Until Dawn (technically not co-op, but the person not playing can yell at you to make certain choices, which is funny)

Everything else I can think of is also available on Steam so I just stick with exclusives.

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Tell me is there any way to save those 2 sisters in until dawn whom i threw in the start :wink:

Eyeing for ps4 exclusives only… but co-op is fun… miss those ps1 games where we siblings fought with each other (in game and many times in reality) as who will win

Haha there is not.

Check out resogun. It’s co-op but it’s arcade so you can still compete for the best score.