Horizon: Zero Dawn


This is one game I’ll totally replay.

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This is one game I’ll totally never play again

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This is one game I want to play the first time

I couldn’t get into it for some reason. Might try it again someday

Did you go full on achievement completionist? That might have burnt you out. I want to play again with kb+m, enhanced graphics quality, and a normal framerate. Plus it’s also been quite a long time since I played on ps4 that I forget most of it anyway.

I wanted to stick with it and couldn’t, but I don’t know why? Is very well done and I was entertained enough to appreciate it… maybe I was doing too much side stuff

I did but the story was boring as hell. The side quests too. Gameplay was amazing though.

There’s your prob. Most achievements are one of the following: A dumb shit no one would ever do on purpose. B dumb shit you did by accident. C dumb shit you were gona do anyway and wasn’t even a conscious decision. Turn notifications off and play normally. Achievements exist solely so people on your friend list see you playing the same shit for longer than normal which increases their chance of buying it too. Don’t be a tool.

I never do trophy hunts on my first playthrough. I played it normally like everyone else. The game is just extremely boring story wise. I had only fun when I was hunting the robots or doing the small challenges that are unmissable.

Also, the trophy hunts are for me fun. Most of the trophies in HZD are challenge trophies that are fun to do and have nothing to do with the story. That’s why I went for platinum.

Where are my games??? Uh i forgot I work so much i dont even have time to do anything. When i get a PS4 or a new PC ill let you know Eks diii

I’ll get you alllllll the games

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And I thought only pc players can be such crybabies :smiley:

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What a bunch of dumbasses. Platform loyalty is pointless.

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I can see why they are complaining. People buy consoles to play these games. Now it seems it was totally unnecessary to buy a console. They could’ve saved 300 bucks for 5 other games instead of buying a console. I don’t know if I’m gonna buy the PS5. A lot of games got released on PC which were exclusives on PS4 and even more games are available to play on PC through PS Now.

People with that complaint weren’t the ones tweeting like knob heads. The ones tweeting were mad their precious hunk of plastic lost an exclusive.

I do kinda wish I waited, but at the time the game got to the top of my list there was no mention of any ports. So I had to play on ps4.

Like you know Judgement will come to pc, but at the time we started playing it there were no plans to do so. Or at least nothing official.

They are porting to pc to find new customers. Horizon Zero Dawn 2 will surely be a PS5 early title. A percentage of people will buy the new game and the ps5 because they liked the ported game. Even Sony and the devs can win with this not mentioning the pc gamers.

You’re going to buy a PS5 and you know it lol. They let a handful of exclusives go to PC. I definitely would enjoy if Sony made them all on PC

Almost all ARE available on PC. They keep adding the exclusives on PS Now and you can play them all through it.