[Music] What are you currently listening to?

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Been listening to this whole album non-stop lately.


My little bro put out a full album. It’s on all the music platforms, but here’s the google play link:

If you have spottify or that apple subscription thing it’s free for you.


8 days until the concert. The new album is awful, hurt my ears, I hope they wont play it :smiley:

My list of gaming soundtracks that I enjoy.

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Sir_diealot I downloaded Darksiders OST as soon as it was published, love it :stuck_out_tongue:

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ButtStallion said in [Music] What are you currently listening to?:

Sir_diealot I downloaded Darksiders OST as soon as it was published, love it :stuck_out_tongue:

So do I. There are several OST’s on that list of verious games. I will be adding more as they speak to me. There are 20 or 30 there now.

Lately has been a lot of Magna Carta Cartel because it’s super relaxing and work is stressful, so yeah. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qw4FDMI8G1I&t=2s

New Zealand’s gem…Kim Dotcom!

A Killer’s Confession features former Mushroomhead vocalist Waylon Reavis, and it’s fantastic to hear him back after the shitty split with MRH


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Still too many rock music, so here it is.

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