Schlitty's Bundle Leftovers: Redux Reboot HD Remaster

Hmm… could I be so greedy and ask for S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl? :test_tube: :smiley:

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All yours!

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Pretty sure @sYnCroSis has we were here too on his wishlist

Went through and updated the list. Take a looksee, take a game.

Well if you insist I would be willing to take your lego harry potter which ever of the two you have up :slight_smile:

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Messaged you both, enjoy. :slight_smile:

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Will do thank you! I have them downloading now.

Persona 5 Royal physical edition thank you!


Bumplestiltskins. I know you’re all stuck at home, why not try something new?


Hopefully someone dwindles your list down soon lol

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I am trying eating cocaine instead of snorting it. PrETtY dArN gUd


LOL there is one thing on there that catches my eye as something I could add to my collection of games that do interest me but I’ll probably only try once or never get time to play. haha.

I’ll wait till tonight to mention what it is, just in case someone else does want it.

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Shouldn’t @ShiftySatchmo at least claim Mr. Shifty?

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My brother is finally getting into PC gaming, all of his stuff arrives Monday. Mind if I grab all the Sniper Elites to get him off and running? He’d love those and they appear to be collecting dust


Sent. Hopefully he enjoys poppin’ off on those Nazis!


Lol thx man