Shadow of the Beast

gord0 said in Shadow of the Beast:

Katsuo said in Shadow of the Beast:

PS4 Pro will be getting a Boost mode pretty soon so quite a few games will be running 60 fps. But at the end, it’s up to the devs if they are willing to make a game that will be unlocked to 60 fps on PS4 Pro.

Is “boost mode” an overclock?

Yup. GPU and CPU power are amped up. BUT I read that some games will stay locked on 30 fps no matter what mode you use on PS4 Pro. If the 30 fps lock is the case, then games like Evil Within will have more stable 30 fps than on vanilla PS4 where the game stutters like crazy in the beginning area and some open areas. Right now, I don’t see why anyone would buy a PS4 Pro. It seems that the devs are either lazy or developing that unlocked framerate thing is too expensive for them. Hell, even Square Enix promised the 1080p60 patch would come for FFXV in January and as it seems it won’t be there in the next DLC which is out 28th February.