Thank you wonderful people!

MyLifeForAiur Alex :blue_heart:
Finished the last of my exams yesterday so now I can play games guilt-free! :smiley: Already played Dishonored for a few hours and Iโ€™m addicted. Jumping back in it as soon as I finish writing this :dancer:

One of the best games I have ever played. I have played it at least 5 times through and still love it, congratulations and enjoy.


Oh by the way I have severe ADD/ADHD and it is a very rare thing for me to sit through one game and play only it until I am finished (normally play many at once) and I did that with this game. Only other games I have really done that with is the Half-Life series and the Witcher series.


I went to the steam store and started searching games that I remember being the most addicting thing at that time. Of the four games I looked at three were in your wishlist Dunja lol. Iโ€™m glad your enjoying Dishonored. Itโ€™s a wonderful game. Beautiful art style, stealth (Iโ€™m a sucker for stealth games), and so many different ways to accomplish your goals.


Oh, Dishonored. Finished it without being seen and killing :stuck_out_tongue: After 3 playthrouhs :smiley:


Great game.


Dunja gg

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ButtStallion I started a โ€œNo killโ€ playthrough last night, it got tense for a minute at the end of the prison


tat2teel Doubles the time to finish the game :smiley:

Dunja He is such a good friend who always monitors his friends and make them happy. :slight_smile: really inspiring. I dont know how many times I have said this to him :slight_smile: but I still keep saying it because he is one of the great person i have met (not in real life but he gives a feeling like that <3 ) :slight_smile:

Enjoy the game Sis. <3

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vijaydasr Aye, a lot of people do that. I am happy that I can call such people friends!

Only0neKnight Donโ€™t worry about Mili we had to separate for a bit because he never puts the toilet seat down and I got tired of picking up his dirty socks from under the bed. I have all the time in the world to play now! xD


Alex Thank You once again Alex for giving me this game :slight_smile:


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Dunja Either way it was on your wishlist so thought you should have it :slight_smile:


Only0neKnight Yep I love this game thank you :smiley:

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