Updated AMD Drivers and got these two messages.

sir_diealot said in Updated AMD Drivers and got these two messages.:

gord0 I seem to be having problems with Dishonored 2, it was running fine before the update. Checked DMC and Dishonored and they ran fine. I checked integrity of game chache and then tried to play it and it loads into startup screen very choppy and game loadup takes far longer than it should. I uninstalled and am reinistlling now but have another hr. to wait and I have to head to bed.

I do not know what you mean by “fall creators club update”

Not sure of which control center you are referring to, I am guessing you meant AMD? I can uninstall and reinstall Fraps no problem tomorrow and find out from there. I have to head to bed but will check back tomorrow afternoon. Sorry but I have to be up at 5:30 in the morning. Thanks to you and everyone else on the help so far. Good night to you.

Yes the AMD control center or whatever they’ve changed the name to for the 50th time. Fall creators club update is microsoft’s dumb as fuck name for their recent service pack. My system updated to it in the last couple weeks and the 17.10.2 amd drivers include updates for it. So I was thinking that having that driver without the fall creators club update could be messing with things. Fraps is irrelevant, it was merely a victim.

I generally don’t update to amd’s beta drivers (or “optional” as they’re now candy coating it) unless the release notes specify a fix or enhancement for the game I’m currently playing or the engine my current game runs on. None of the games you listed show up int the 17.10.2 release notes, so perhaps rolling back to a previous driver will help. I’m currently at 17.7.2. After checking, none of the drivers between then and now have any enhancements or fixes for the games you mentioned. 17.7.2 is the most recent official driver.

I recommend finding out if you have the fall creators club update (different from the previous one which was just called creators club update) and if not, get it. If your problem isn’t solved, either roll back to 17.7.2 or whatever one you had before this problem if it was newer than 17.7.2 .