YAY Bioshock remasters have showed up in my steam list :D

Katsuo Most the media issues are with no in game options for turning off mouse acceleration / mouse smoothing (have to mess with the .ini file), as well as a pretty much complete lack of graphic options outside of resolution and AA.

Personally I’m having a blast with it all over again. It’s been so long and I forgot how eerie the original Bioshock was.

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These games just got to the top of my list, I’m going to be marathoning them all! I imagine by now the issues have been patched. : ]

gord0 I think, MyLifeForAiur said that Bioshock 2 was still broken for him because he beat the first one recently. Crashing and stuff like that. Correct me if I’m wronggggggggg

Katsuo said in YAY Bioshock remasters have showed up in my steam list :smiley::

gord0 I think, MyLifeForAiur said that Bioshock 2 was still broken for him because he beat the first one recently. Crashing and stuff like that. Correct me if I’m wronggggggggg

I’ll let you know. For now Bioshock 1 is running extremely smooth! Constant 60fps with max settings at 1440p in crossfire!

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gord0 Katsuo Bioshock ran flawlessly for me, Only crashed once. Bioshock 2 crashed maybe 6 or 7 times but the game has a quick save feature so I just grew accustom to pressing it every now and then usually after harvesting Adam with a little sister. Only downside is the quicksave button brings you to a screen saying its saving then you go back into the game. It kinda pulls you out of the experience if you press it too often but at the same time I don’t want to repeat shit again if it crashes. It was a constant battle.


Just beat the first one! Still one of the best games ever! On to Bioshock 2 now!


Well if there were technical issues, they’re patched now. Running at a constant 60fps with max settings at 1440p in Crossfire mode. If anyone of you are planning on playing this in the future, be sure to set the brightness manually (they give you a configuration image). The first bioshock made you do it the first time you load the game, this one doesn’t and it’s too bright if you don’t do it.

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Only0neKnight said in /404:

Now to install and see how much more badass they are.

What PC are you playing on? Did you manage to get something?

Spinalfailed That was when I had the Asus laptop I had to sell to finish paying on car repairs. ATM I do not have a pc but on a brighter note just got my car back from the shop and it is finally inspection sticker legal. I now have my car back.


Only0neKnight good to hear! No more walking! If you lived by me you’d be soaking wet every day! Non stop raining lately!

Just beat Bioshock 2, now on to Minerva’s Den! : ]

gord0 That’s a DLC? I don’t think I played that one.

Katsuo said in YAY Bioshock remasters have showed up in my steam list :smiley::

gord0 That’s a DLC? I don’t think I played that one.

It’s been a few years but I remember it being longer than most modern DLC.

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Just beat Minerva’s Den! On to Infinite! : ]


Well I just found out Bioshock Infinite runs like ass in Ubuntu 16.04, probably due to using ogl instead of dx…and likely a lack of attention from the devs. I imagine the only reason this game runs in linux is because it was released right about when valve still thought their steam machines would be a success. Anyway gota redownload in windows now : /

Holy crap I forgot how beautiful the graphics were in this game! In windows it runs at a solid 60fps with ultra settings at 1440p in both crossfire and single card mode. However, in crossfire mode there’s microstutters so I’m playing in single card mode. Now just gota get out of the habbit of hitting quick save so often…because there is no quick save anymore lol. : ]


Just completed Infinite and starting Burial At Sea part 1! I don’t want it to end, but almost there!


gord0 it’s so gooooood

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Part 1 finished, last part to go! : ]


Well I finally finished it. I hope we get more bioshock games in the future! I really like how the story arc ends right where bioshock 1 begins! : ]

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