ALL DONE: Quantum Break Giveaway

Congrats Polekatt… mah luck stinks again :stuck_out_tongue:

Wow, this is awesome! I love story games, and time manipulation!0_1512362128411_qb1.JPG


polekatt Deffently looks like a good game! Love Time Travel/Manipulation style games

gorkie there’s always that other ‘‘dirty’’ version you can download. I dont encourage it but it’s an option xD

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Congrats Polekatt :smiley:

Congratz Polekatt !!!

ShiftySatchmo Sorry for the late response, been sick for the last 4 days or so. Which you would think being bed ridden for 4 days straight would mean more PC time but I pretty much just curled up in bed with my 3DS.

mylifeforaiur your punishment for being sick was no entry XD


shiftysatchmo A just punishment, Thank you my lord.

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adnan_popara Had bad luck with dirty games in the past all set with that.

Congrats to the winner :slight_smile:
I’ll just say you’re all still magnificent bastards

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Sry have been busy in the last few weeks … Congrats to the winner. Hope he got some time :wink:

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