Always something lol

Now I’m locked out of my house waiting for the landlord to respond. : \

You can use keys to get inside your house. Cool trick I learned back in the 60’s :innocent:


That’s the worst. I’m always paranoid I’ll lock myself out.

I got back in about 30min ago. It’s good that it’s not winter lol. It’s bad that we’ve been having a heat wave for over a month. XD

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Locking yourself out sucks. Glad you got back in finally. I remember the last time I locked myself out. I had to climb up onto the roof and tear out the screening in my bedroom window. I knew the window was unlocked I just needed the pesky screen out of the way. The pegs are on the inside though so I ended up bending the screen to get it out. Now it won’t fit back in and I’ve gone years without opening my bedroom window because all the bugs can just fly in now.

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Did it last weekend. Worst part is my landlady showed me a pair of keys that she thought were mine and they did not look like mine because I gave them a World of Tanks key ring that would really stand out to me if I had to come and get the key sometime so she went and woke her daughter up (This was the one day she could sleep in) and it turned out it was the set that her mother tried to give me and they had switched the key ring on me, so I she got up for nothing.