Been a while since i 100% completed a game... bout time :)

After a long set of hours and going back through left right and center, I have finally 100% completed a game, the first in a few years. Love Shadow of Mordor. All that is left is a couple steam achievements but the game itself is 100% complete. :slight_smile:

Story mode done. Now 100% the DLCs as well xD
Lord of the Hunt was, in my opinion, better than the main story. And The Bright Lord was frustrating as hell. At least the achievements were somewhat challenging.

Katsuo already have, just too lazy for multi screenshots lol. Only a couple achievements left and 100% complete on steam now

Only0neKnight Do ittttttttttttt

Katsuo I think ill go for all the last steam achievements this weekend when off work

It was much more fun than I thought it would be, wish I had played it sooner.