Butt Stallion - March Gamer Challenge

Finished the first expansion of The Witcher 3. Hearts of Stone. How epic was this. This should be the example how a good expansion looks like. And not a 10 dollar dlc skin pack. Great story again, great missions, great characters, moral decisions, epic loots. And a lot of funny moments. Loved it. 9.9/10 :smiley:
Next stop is Blood and Wine.

ButtStallion Good thing you took screenshots so I don’t have to XD

Katsuo Made around 60-70 :smiley: But most of them contains spoilers :smiley:

I need to beat Witcher 3 one of these days.

teh_g You should. Hearts of Stone is in my opinion much better than the main game!

ButtStallion I’ve got about 30-ish. All spoilers haha

Finished The witcher 3 - Blood and Wine. Another awesome expansion pack. Huge new area, 30-40 new quests, a new gwent deck, weapons, armors, witcher gear sets, your own house. Truly epic. My only problem is I liked the story better in Heart of Stone. 9.7/10

I really need to start playing WItcher 3 when I get back. I have it on GoG, bought it on Black Friday but have yet to actually play the bloody game. I know, I know, I will get there soon. Once I finish Witcher II…

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Alex Witcher 2? Damn, you are not rushing anything :stuck_out_tongue:

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ButtStallion Absolutely mate. You have no idea how many great games I have yet to complete!

time to be arghhhh XD