Keep on…
I have a monthly subscription for the Red Cross - done due to the work they performed in my country after an Earthquake, as well as around the Pacific after storm etc. I know they’re a bit bloated, but they do still help.
I also donate heavily during the hospice(palliative care) appeals - my grandfather was moved from public hospital to one during the weekend when he became too critical for them to do more than make passingly comfortable. He was moved to a hospice because the rest home that he had chosen to spent his last days in was unable to take him until the Monday. So this hospice took him in knowing that he was only with them for the weekend, but treated him with such respect & showed our family so much compassion. He actually lifted in spirits around nurses & carers that could talk to him like a human again.
Ub6 When I read your GT comment I understood your wording.
Keep on…
Humble Bundle is a fun way to donate. Say you really like the featured charity this time around. You can do 100% allocation to the charity, give like $50 or whatever, and still get over $100 worth of games!
ShiftySatchmo We here formed a group of friends to find some time to spend with little children here in orphanages and sweet parents who were left in old age homes and also to help with money some way. I don’t have a job right now, but for the time being I get money from my parents for this charity. only a small amount for now, but i hope once I get a job I would be able to do more for them
I am glad to see all of you organizing this kinda charities. because I really love spending time with them specially children and more happy when I get a chance to see that lovely parents who were left in old age homes by their unworthy son/daughter for any means they did that It really makes me so sad when I think about them
Zmajuga you’re an animal
I’m pinning this topic teh_g since charity is…cool.
I’m a charity case… Lol. Still Hella bummed out about not getting my tax refund.
I don’t really make enough to support my family from check to check, but I do donate my time to my local church during the winter, passing blankets to homeless.
I used to foster shelter dogs too, but now I’m renting a room from somebody so I can’t do that anymore.
I copied this from Gtribe because fellow gamer and a human being needs help.
“Stephanie Young joined GTribe in May 2014 and for almost two years was a very active member and even became a community volunteer, but about 6 months ago she mysteriously disappeared from the network.”
End quote.
Her friend Nakul said that Stephanie was diagnosed with a rare, progressive and incurable disease called, “moyamoya.”
She’s unemployed and needs donation to pay for the determination of the surgery viability.
Here’s her page:
Life can really be crap sometimes.
EDIT: The goal was met but any extra will go for her surgery.
Zmajuga thanks for posting this here
Zmajuga Maybe we should all put some money together and make one big donation in the name of her old friends who are not at GTribe anymore.
PeaceLeon said in Charity, yo:
Zmajuga Maybe we should all put some money together and make one big donation in the name of her old friends who are not at GTribe anymore.
I agree. :thumbsup_tone1:
PeaceLeon I’d love to, but I don’t have anything to give and wont for a few weeks… feel really sad, she was cool as hell, even bought her a headset several months back so we could voice chat on a few games she played.
Me either. At least not until I win the lottery.
PeaceLeon said in Charity, yo:
Zmajuga Maybe we should all put some money together and make one big donation in the name of her old friends who are not at GTribe anymore.
I’d be down. Let me know