Ciri probably won’t be white in the Netflix Witcher series

And Roach will be played by a zebr.


I don’t like the idea really, but if the female they get to play the part can actually act then I can live with it.

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Get Woke, Go Broke :angry:

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i am not a racist (ofc cause i am black xD) but i really getting a bad vibe here. looks like its hitman, death note, dbz, max payne all over again…

CIRI! End of it.

Is it that important?

I never did get to finish watching this on Youtube, I should go back and try to find it. Also the Hexer movie can be bought with English subtitles, may be worth getting.

Yes it is.

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“…anonymous source who has confided with me that there is currently casting taking place in Poland, specifically looking for Polish actors. One of those of interest that will be auditioning is “Caucasian/White Polish”, casting for the role of “Young Ciri”.”