
I fucking HATE Sony controllers for battery life. PS4 shit battery. PS5 even shitter battery. Switch Pro Controller has the absolute best battery life. Xbox controllers are somewhere in between. PS5 ~ 5hrs, Xbox ~ few days, Switch Pro ~week+ . I don’t know if Sony is cheaping out on the battery or if all the “innovations” no one asked for are draining the battery faster. My xbox controller broke last year at some point and I’ve been using the ps5 controller since for pc. I finally got fed up and bought a new xbox controller. So happy.

Lol I use an Xbox one controller for PC but I just leave it plugged in

I have about 3 active working controllers now, as I have had to get a quality one for when I was playing the sim golf game regularly. Basically at the level I was playing, and against 1000s of other people, its like PUBG or esports of golf… the game relies on the controller so much that you had to have something that was precise and good to even compete.

I read numerous articles, talked to bunches of people on comparing the controllers, lag, quality, etc.

Finally decided on the Sony DS5. But like Shifty, I leave it plugged in. I don’t like the wire, but it destroys the latency when you try to run it wireless. Plugged in, its absolutely awesome.

( I still use my Xbox Ocean Shadow elite for racing games, as I’m slamming it so hard I don’t want to wear out the Sony, and don’t need the precision. My Logitech is simply a backup that gathers dust)

When I need precision, I use KB+M. Otherwise, I don’t like to be tethered to a usb port.

Honestly, me too. Thats why I am normally pretty terrible with controllers because I rarely ever use them for anything but driving or Tekken.

Unfortunately the way the golf game works, mouse is very hard to do.
Its actually pretty cool, you use the stick on the controller to “swing” the club, and the motion back, then all the way forward with your controller stick is the same motion you would do with a real club, backswing, then the swing itself.

And just like with a real club, it is VERY dependent on the way you swing and any little iteration you do will translate directly to the shot. Its pretty cool. I just finally got tired of it after competing for years.

Side note, you can put it on easy mode. I was just playing with some very high level people that required you to play the hard mode, and no cheating, third party api knows if you got a modded controller or some such thing.

ok, back to discussion about controllers themselves!

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I’m fine with the PS5 controller having like 5 hours of battery time. If I fully charged the controller and it’s out in 5 hours, that means I need to take a break from gaming and put the controller back to charge :smile:

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I’ve never taken a controller off a charger and ran out of batteries in one session haha

I don’t charge mine until they die.