Yup, this guy says he really wants a custom built computer but has no idea where to start, so he asked me to help him out. He offered to pay me to do it, but I may do it just for fun. He says $2000 is basically the upper end up what he wants to spend, initially, but the lower the price the better. So while I skirted around storage space (He insists that his external Hard drives will work for game storage for now,) I built a pretty nice, theoretical build from pcpartpicker: http://pcpartpicker.com/list/j3Lz7h coming in under $1700, $1350 if he decides against needing a new monitor, wifi adapter, and a new windows 10 key.
I know I could jump on the liquid cooler, but he says he doesn’t like them, so yeah. Thoughts on the build?
With those specs, you could jump down to a 750 W gold power supply and bump up the 1070 to a 1080 and still have power to spare (as it says you are only using 360 with that build so why go with 1000) and still be under budget, especially if the monitor etc is not needed.
Ub6 It’s basically so he doesn’t need to buy another one later, because he says he wants to be able to upgrade and asked about SLI.
But that’s a good point, maybe I’ll drop it down a notch.
Just did the research, even if you added 2 1080s to that setup, it is still under 700 watts (660 to be exact, and with 2 1070s it worked out to 570 watts) so you would be good either way… although with 2 1080s the 1000 would give more room for potential over clocking.
Ub6 Awesome! I updated the build, added the 1080 and went to a good 750 Watt Gold PSU. I also removed the Monitor, since I know he has one, it just isn’t “New.” I appreciate the help, this rig makes me a bit jealous lol.