Discord Server

Link to the General chat area: https://discord.gg/vf3bGgK

Feel free to post here if you have suggestions!

Can we ban nanderman

He is too sassy

I am down.

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Seems I will finally have to download Discord and see what all the noise is about :slight_smile: Been meaning to get it for awhile but have been lazy lol

Finally we have a Discord server! I wondered why we didn’t have one already!

I must say, after using this for a while I’ve had zero issues and it has been great and easy to use.

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ShiftySatchmo A wild PeaceLeon will appear and say that Discord sucks.

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Welp, I guess ill be coming over to Discord then just found this here today… :smiley:

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Katsuo it’s Kai bait XD

ShiftySatchmo He is a really good guy don’t you dare to do that :smiley:

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Arsononion I just miss him :cry:

ShiftySatchmo Play games with him and talk on discord duhhhh… get Verdun and ill join as well :smiley:

Katsuo Discord sucks :wink:


ShiftySatchmo Don’t worry, I’m always here and watch you guys :wink:


PeaceLeon Big brother Kai


PeaceLeon that was delightfully creepy