Dota Underlords

Idk why but tried it out and looks like a fine coffee break game. Still a noob, never played an auto chess before but looks like neither most of the people because I already won and always in the top 3.
Still in closed beta, i hope they won’t fcuk it up like Artifact with agressive microtransactions.
Who tried it?

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I tried only the League of Legends Auto Chess on their test server. I like it. Might be something I’ll play daily. Will try out Dota Underlords today but not sure if I’ll like it. I don’t really like Dota 2 in general.

Huge patch coming in, starting to feel like a proper game, they changed a lot during the beta, worth a try. Artifact died, Underlords evolving.

Another huge update, a lot of fixes, a lot of changes, balancing, new items etc.