Fast paced shooterz

Yooooo, what’s your best fast paced shooter you’ve ever played? I’m so freaking much enjoying Titanfall and Ghost in the Shell so I’m interested in more. Gif me your bodyyy…I mean your games.

tetris was pretty intense xD


Adnan_Popara LOL

COD 2!! :stuck_out_tongue:

Katsuo just play Titanfall until I get you part 2

Jeroenvh That’s fast? XD

ShiftySatchmo Jokes everywhereeee

Max Payne 3, Shadow Warrior, Wolfenstein: The New Order

Artem_Zmitrovich Played only SW. Forgot to put that I want multiplayer ones xD

What about, Hello Kitty: Murderous Island Adventures?

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Than wait for SW2!

Jeroenvh Oh the game you’ve been playing lately? Dunno, does it have jet packs? XD

You can buy jetpack year subscription for 39,95$

Artem_Zmitrovich Nah. SW was good but it wasn’t anything special IMO.

Jeroenvh Yo, Angel, get out of here!

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I loved Warhammer 40K: Space Marine! It’s generic but it does quite a few things better than the CoD, GoW & MoH’s of its time. There’s only one point in the game where there’s an infinite respawn of enemies & you have to get to a checkpoint to get past them… but it actually provides a reason for that. It has an execution mechanic for healing & I believe a “hot reload” like GoW for damage boosts etc. It is a bit corridor-y & the world unfleshed but f- it “For the Emperor” & all that.


Sgt_T8ie I thought every Warhammer 40k game is a strategy haha. I didn’t knew Space Marine is a shooter. From what you described, it certainly sounds interesting. I’m honestly looking for something that isn’t WW2 or WW1 based since it’s meh to me. Anyway, will check out more videos of Space Marine. Thanks!

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Katsuo very much a Gears of War clone. But I liked it more than GoW, better Universe & cooler space marines.


Sgt_T8ie said in Fast paced shooterz:

Katsuo very much a Gears of War clone. But I liked it more than GoW, better Universe & cooler space marines.

Better than gow imo. Albeit I’ve only ever played the first gow.

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