First upgrade is on the way

I finally got rid of hd 6950 and ordered palit GTX 760 xD I know it’s not the newest one but it’s certainly an improvement over the one I had. Next on the things to upgrade: CPU, Mobo and ram. Soon™

Adnan_Popara Congratz!! I always love upgrading my GPU and drooling over all the games I was already currently playing.

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MyLifeForAiur that’s one of the reason I bought it. The other reason: I have some games that won’t even start with this hd6950. Or they start and crash immediately


Adnan_Popara That’s another great reason!

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Adnan_Popara Congrats! Good to hear.

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Grats man, I can’t wait till the end of the month when I get paid and get some money owed to me… should be ordering me a RX or GTX depending on prices at the time and funds. :smiley: