Games I returned because they're broken and/or just shitty

Ahhh. Good game. Enjoyed the multiplayer a lot. Paid for it 3 euros too!

I’ll try buying it a 3rd time if they bring it to steam.

For me it ran extremely good but holy crap is it buggy as hell. Also, that game is free on Epic Store I think and its on game pass. Might save some money just sayin

I saved money. All of it.

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That said, is rdr2 a kb+m or xbone controller game?

I played it on PS4 and while it’s technically a third person shooter, the shooting in the game is complete shit. You don’t aim with the gun. The gun aims with you. Everything else works perfectly fine with a controller.

Not sure if that’s the case with the PC version.

@MyLifeForAiur might tell you more

The shooting isn’t the best in general I’m thinking. The game felt good with keyboard and mouse besides the whole camera locking on to people when you want to interact with them. It feels jarring to lose control of the camera like that.

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But RDR Onlineeeeeee

Put the launcher there for all I care, was never going to touch it.

A small tip…don’t buy Sword Art Online games. They’ll never release anything new for the game since the producers of the anime stopped doing anything Sword Art Online related.

Less research + more returns = happier gordon