Gaming Latency/Ping

Was not sure where to put this really, but I have been having a issue with Elderscrolls Online sense I returned with my Latency jumping all over the place from 100 - 999+ and getting super nasty battle lag. I don’t recall it ever doing this back when ESO supported DX9 which they no longer do. Anyone know away to fix latency/ping times to make the game playable? I have tried every thing I could find on the web between youtube and websites having me change stuff in regedit and none of this has worked.

CPU: FX 8320
GPU: MSI RX 470 8gb Gaming X
Ram: 16gb ddr4 1866mhz
Internet Speeds: 300mb/ps down, 30mb/ps up…

Latency is generally going to be due to network things. Are you doing anything else on the network when this happens? Is this on WiFi or wired?

You purposely moved to florida.

Sry, drunk.



Tech support is where this would go (and where I moved it) to answer your question.

Maybe the lag is telling you to play a better game? :butterfly:

Did you try changing servers?

ESO has 1 server, a mega server.

Wired, 300mb/ps download, 30mb/ps upload. No im just trying to play the game.

ESO is not a bad game, its gotten a lot better sense release. I know I was at the opening day and in Beta.

I played it for about 10ish hours. And meh. It feels like oblivion/skyrim and I hated both of dem games.

But I do like to hate games so hihi teso is trash :put_litter_in_its_place:

I was watching a bunch of Florida Man stuff last night lol

I’d def check your network for other devices or neighbors connected. Or your PC for malware/programs that are downloading poop.

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Yeah, the only time I’d expect ping spikes is if there is some issue between you and the server (which is usually fixed quickly) or if there is something eating all your bandwidth on your local network.

Something really unlikely you can check is if there are kinks or cuts in your network cable. That can cause weird issues.

Try getting everyone to turn off/disconnect all of their internet devices. Then try to play the game. If it’s fine, you know it’s one or more of the other devices. If that’s the case turn the other devices back on one at a time and check for lag after each one. If turning everything off doesn’t fix it, there’s either an issue with your local networking hardware or the infrastructure between you and the game server.