GG indian Steam region --_--

Now i regret that i changed my region to india -___-

DANTE don’t worry New Zealand is also being given a 15% sales tax inclusion…

While this is not Steam’s fault, rather my government chasing their tax dollars, I’ll be thinking twice before buying via Steam from now on> Reason being that for whatever reason Australians & New Zealanders get hit with some regional price gouge (~33%) by Steam itself, for a digital product… the lack of sales tax meant that the price difference was slightly palatable, now not so much.

Luckily no one in our government knows what Steam (or games in general) is so we don’t pay tax for already overpriced games \o/


Katsuo I think that’s about to change too. Serbia is implementing the same tax and I think we’re the next. F***ing Balkan Mordor


I always had a 27% VAT here on Steam.

Subtotal (excl. VAT): 6,29€
VAT at 27%: 1,70€
Total: 7,99€

ButtStallion god dam you have bigger tax than me :slight_smile: I was on 25 % … pure ripoff

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I think Canadian taxes have been built in to the price for a while now…or maybe we’re still tax free…

gord0 You can check that in your cart when you get a game on Steam. It should be displayed if you pay tax for the game or not.

Katsuo said in GG indian Steam region --_--:

gord0 You can check that in your cart when you get a game on Steam. It should be displayed if you pay tax for the game or not.

I guess there’s no tax…

But I’ve seen tax on other websites though.

Or maybe there is:

gord0 It is still supposed to show how much tax you would have to pay. Just like in ButtStallion example. Something like this would appear:

Subtotal (excl. VAT): 6,29€
VAT at 27%: 1,70€
Total: 7,99€

gord0 Btw that game here is 53.99 euros and 53.99 EUR = 74.85 CAD. And all that without tax XD

Katsuo said in GG indian Steam region --_--:

gord0 Btw that game here is 53.99 euros and 53.99 EUR = 74.85 CAD. And all that without tax XD

Is that taking into account the sale?

gord0 Yup. The normal price is 59.99 euros.

and that game here is only 16 usd …

DANTE said in GG indian Steam region --_--:

and that game here is only 16 usd …

Then it would seem the tax isn’t really a problem…if the games are so much cheaper.

gord0 Don’t forget that the difference in life standards is huuuuuuuuuuuuge. $16 here is a nice amount of money. That’s like one (maybe even 2) day(s) of breakfast, dinner and evening snacks. So I assume, the same is in Bangladesh. But in Canada, I believe $16 isn’t that much. But I do agree that the games there are much more affordable than anywhere else so the tax wouldn’t be a problem. Even for them.

Btw, do you know French language? XD


Katsuo said in GG indian Steam region --_--:

gord0 Don’t forget that the difference in life standards is huuuuuuuuuuuuge. $16 here is a nice amount of money. That’s like one (maybe even 2) day(s) of breakfast, dinner and evening snacks. So I assume, the same is in Bangladesh. But in Canada, I believe $16 isn’t that much. But I do agree that the games there are much more affordable than anywhere else so the tax wouldn’t be a problem. Even for them.

Btw, do you know French language? XD

Barely. Here in new brunswick it’s bi-lingual but everyone can speak english. In Quebec most people speak french. Everywhere else is English.

And yeah I usually spend $16cdn a day on cab fare (maybe 15minutes worth of driving).

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w000! Go Canada!