Hello Guys I am New Here ^_^

Few of you maybe remember me…Its Mehran Islam. I came here just for few of my closet buddies…i have never used a forum before… :3 i am totally lost and confused now

and i am sorry if i am posting this in a wrong place…i have no idea where to post something…:stuck_out_tongue: and is it possible you guys make a group in facebook? it would be helpful too

Welcome to the fun house, next round of drinks are on you. :slight_smile:

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Welcome to new home :slight_smile: mi (nuestra) casa es su casa XD

Welcome Mehran, knew it was only a matter of time before you came :slight_smile:


Hey, Hello!

Hello hello hello!

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

mehran.islam Reported for spam XD Just kidding welcome mate :smiley:

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Glad to see you again my friend. Even though we were always friends on steam :slight_smile:

ArsonSami i knew everyone will accept me except you :stuck_out_tongue:

mehran.islam no bro i was refering this as a joke to GT policy XD you good guy :smiley:

Yo Mehran! Everyone is here nice except Sami. That one is an asshole. But we love him still!

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Katsuo yeah ArsonSami had been verbally assaulting me and just blindly reporting everything I post.

Hey Mehran!
Same here man, never used a forum so this took some getting used to haha :stuck_out_tongue:
Good to see that more and more are coming this way :slight_smile:

Hey bud welcome aboard.

hey bro :smiley: welcome :smiley:

waves - Hey Mehran!!

Welcome! There is a fb group that we used before the forum went up but I think it best we all post here so our phones don’t explode with notifications.