Help me choose the next giveaway!

As it is almost December, I am thinking of launching another giveaway. I’ve got a couple ready to go, just need some help on choosing which one to get going. Thinking of launching it tonight and just want some opinions. These are only small ones for now but do have a couple more prepared for mid-decemberish :wink:

The Fans and LEDs strips all feature white LEDs

Another fan with white LED and then an RGB LED set with controller.

Something for our mobile friends. This is a wireless media reader so you can access content via multiple phones and tablets. It also doubles as a power bank and I am throwing in a HyperX 16gb USB stick to help things along the way. The MobileLite can be plugged in VIA ethernet or done wirelessly so works a treat.

Let me know what you guys think and will see about getting it lived tonight or tomorrow at the latest :smiley:

I would like to win the BitFenix Recon myself, can’t speak for others though. That said I won’t be here to win anyway, leave in exactly 8 days.

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Sir_diealot gonna try and get it started tonight so you’ll have a couple days :wink:

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LetsGetIt1220 said in Help me choose the next giveaway!:

Sir_diealot gonna try and get it started tonight so you’ll have a couple days :wink:


The Thermaltake package would be SIIIICK


ShiftySatchmo someone is addicted to LEDs :wink:


LetsGetIt1220 said in Help me choose the next giveaway!:

ShiftySatchmo someone is addicted to LEDs :wink:


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LetsGetIt1220 well and keep in mind I have three PCs haha

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+1 vote to BitFenix Recon :stuck_out_tongue:


Looks like the BitFenix gear wins for tonight. Don’t worry ShiftySatchmo I’ll still be giving away the Thermaltake gear sometime in December :smiley:


Either fan package would be great (come on RNG bless me with another win :slight_smile: ) No matter what I’ll share the hell out of it.

As I like you guys the mostest, giveaway is up and I won’t really be sharing so feel free to get a jump on everyone else :wink:

Feel free to share if you like, if not just get your entries in and good luck!

Giveaway -


I’m in :smiley:

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Spreading the love far, wide & thick…

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Loving it, entered and shared with friends :slight_smile:

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I entered but if i win ill pass it to someone here :smiley: Tax and stuff in my state is just a no no i had to return G skill ram because import taxes and shipping and stuff it almost cost more than buying the same kit in my place XD


I would prefer the Kingston Package :slight_smile:

ShiftySatchmo said in Help me choose the next giveaway!:

The Thermaltake package would be SIIIICK

Not sure how SIIIICK it would be, but I also would like this as a giveaway, just an fyi as requested.


They will all be given away at some point throughout the money so worry not friends :wink: