
This is my new life soundtrack. :slight_smile: #lifechanges #willisurvive

I haven’t listened to them in forever…

I am moving this to music I guess? Being a moderator is hard.

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This my life story xD https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_guZ7ZS9cl8

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teh_g sorry, was meant to be a rant about my present shitty situation, but then changed my mind and forgot to post it in music. Really sorry, never gonna happen :smiley:


ArsonSami so… you’re like sleepy all the time?

BamBam said in !Heyo!:

teh_g sorry, was meant to be a rant about my present shitty situation, but then changed my mind and forgot to post it in music. Really sorry, never gonna happen :smiley:

I’ll allow it this once!

BamBam I never sleep XD

teh_g ty

Who sleeps anymore?

ArsonSami that why you look old? XD

tat2teel I do… try :stuck_out_tongue:

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BamBam Yes. :smiley:

ArsonSami awww you need your beauty sleep bb :wink:

BamBam thats for the girls xd

This song is pretty much the story of my life!!


MyLifeForAiur I love this song <3

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