I'm kind of back

How’s it going everyone? It’s been awhile. I’ve been absent for quite some time. I got a new job and just moved into a new house. It’s been crazy. The only thing I’ve been playing recently is Marvel Contest of Champions on my phone. I joined back up with my old Alliance. It’s actually been great playing with them again. I feel like I have no time anymore. I get out of work, get home, eat and pretty much go straight to bed. It kind of sucks. No real time open to game on PC. What has everyone been up to recently?

Believe it or not, I was thinking about you yesterday! Wondering what you were up to and whatnot. Glad all is well. You’ll find time eventually!

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Glad to see you back here. :smiley:
Well in my case, it’s kinda repetitive: job, family, gaming, job, family, gaming… XD

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