July challenge

So far I have completed the following games:

Arma 3 - Full campaign, took me around 100 hours to finish everything. I have completed all showcases (didn’t complete jets since i need DLC), also fully completed VR Arsenal as well (it’s like mini campaign/training and very nice). I enjoyed it a lot.
I’d recommend buying it on sale, (Apex edition is around $20-25 and you get full game+Apex expansion and first DLC bundle, it is much cheaper to buy Apex edition of the game than buying everything separately.
Small portion of DLC 2 is out and by that I mean Bohemia released only jet’s while they are working on other portion of it and i think it is going to be amazing. It also has bunch of multiplayer game mods and modes which are amazing. You can also create your own missions or stuff to do XD
What to say ? 10/10 from me, great anti stress game therapy session.

Next games I plan to beat are > Ryse Son of Rome, Operation Flash point Dragon Rising and Red River, and maybe something from my ARGHHH list.

Sports? I hate you XD

shiftysatchmo I used to be really sporty person now i game and waste my life gaming XD

arsononion Gaming, friends and family are the only good things in life. Everything else is just a waste of time. So…screw sports.

katsuo said in July challenge:

arsononion Gaming, friends and family are the only good things in life. Everything else is just a waste of time. So…screw sports.

You leave sports alone young man!

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