Knack 2

I started this thing. Game made for kids, of course. Except the very hard difficulty, which is made for people who have reflexes of a god and brain level of another god. It’s a super old style 3D platformer where you have a shitty “fixed” camera and your right stick is used to dodge in game. It’s ok, nothing mindblowing.

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I read your comment around 20 times by now and I still don’t get what you mean lol

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@ShiftySatchmo flag these comments please so they never go away :slight_smile:

No, nope, it has to go :smiley:

Why? You were in a good mood yesterday :smiley:

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I’ll always remember what they said. I’ll have the memories.


I have the screenshots. In case I want to use them against him huhueuheuhu


haha, they are gone! And i hacked your pc and deleted the screenshots as well as those shameful hentai videos you hid very poorly.

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I’m not Gordon to watch hentai, dude.

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Just finished this one and got the platinum. Knack is awesome. Fun game. It’s a whatever story but good enough for me to finish the game and get the platinum. I want Knack 3. Sony where the hell is Knack 3??

Recommended! 7/10