MGS V for $7.99

At the Humble Store. It seems like you only get that price if you go through the article on IGN? Very odd.

ShiftySatchmo I cant see any MGS title in the store.

ShiftySatchmo said in /404:


Cheapest i found was 19.99$ on amazon XD

ButtStallion It was flash promo sale for humble monthy subs now its over Xd

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What? I missed it… awww :frowning:

One of the best games I’ve played

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Always when I won’t have the money in time !

Whoops guess it was a super short sale. Good thing I already have it on PS4. MGS belongs on Sony platforms anyway.

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ShiftySatchmo buy me PS4 I pay you in rates XD It’s so much cheaper than here especially on holiday sales lol


Arsononion steal it from Katsuo He won’t even notice because he is too busy playing PC because he is afraid of Bloodborne

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ShiftySatchmo Lies! I have like 5 small games to finish on PC and after that I’m all Bloodborned!


ShiftySatchmo nah :stuck_out_tongue: