NieR: Automata

Just got access to this game when a friend shared her steam through family play with me… so far freaken awsome!

Still have to finish the rest of the campaign…finished only 2B campaign :triumph:

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Im along ways away from that, I just made it past the Junkyard strange robot fight not to long ago.

I think you’ll love the ending. It was amazing.

I’m halfway through 9s campaign and it’s great.

NieR: Automata - :spiral_calendar: January 15th | :stopwatch: 43 hours | :clipboard: 9/10

Easy one of the best action games I’ve played in recent times. Great storytelling, characters and multiple endings makes it even better. Gameplay is not without flaws. Janky movement and camera bothered me in the beginning but I got used to it quite fast. There were times when fetch quest felt kind a boring, but in overall I enjoyed this game a lot. Sound and voice overs are OK but soundtrack is amazing.

Thanks to @sYnCroSis for this gift!

Highly recommended.

Personal score 9/10


Everything that Platinum Games does is amazing!

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I love this game. Some day I may try to farm for more endings.

Oh yeah, I have this game. Do I own every game? I might. I should play some.

Who bought it for you?

Probably a loser

I’ve finished this game completely (all endings all trophies all quests all of ittttt). This has become my new favorite game of all time. Everything is absolutely perfectly made in this game. Combat, music, story, visuals. All of it 10/10. Go play it, insanely good storyline. Also, play all main endings (A, B and C/D) if you want to see the complete NieR Automata story.


It really was a stellar game. The alt endings were sometimes hilarious. The one where you start the game and don’t follow the instructions cracks me up. Or the fish.


Removes core dead

Enrages in room with robot kids Uh… uh… oops