
Anyone play overwatch?

I love Overwatch play it as often as I can.

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I am pleased that competitive came out. Though there is a bug that makes KOTH wins count for 1/5th of the proper points…


I would love to start an GamingExodus game clan/team…

Do we have a TS server?

I’m currently working my way up the ranks so I can even play competitive lol. Still trying to get a good 5 heroes or whatever their called in OW that I am good with :smiley:

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Add me on Battlenet: ButtStallion#21798 :slight_smile:

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Wow, 4 win in a row today in competitve…but 3 lose yesterday. I am just one rank above the starting position. 10/7 win in replacement matches and started with rank 53. Now after 7 matches, rank 54…pain in the ass, in this level, this is just like a quick match, with a lot of people who cant play or wont play as a team, not even using team chat.

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ButtStallion Thats same like CS GO XD

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ArsonSami If a miracle happens and I reach 70+, I expect more clever and funny matches :smiley:

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ButtStallion said in Overwatch:


For sure, will send tonight!

LetsGetIt1220 said in Overwatch:

I’m currently working my way up the ranks so I can even play competitive lol. Still trying to get a good 5 heroes or whatever their called in OW that I am good with :smiley:

I stick with Soldier 76. That’s my fave so far.

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Gutter He’s good. I use him and Pharah, or however it’s spelled and Junkrat is my Fav so far. Trying to work on getting used to a healer as well just cause, well sure you know lol

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Pharah, Junkrat, Roadhog and Mercy are my favourites from every class :smiley:

Junkrat / Bastion here :smiley:
Can’t beat the bastion for defense :stuck_out_tongue:


Post your name as well as your user name / #… We can all add each other
and hopefully have some fun this weekend.



ButtStallion I won’t be playing Ana but she looks like she could bring some nice new elements to team play. It’s so nice when you find a support who is half decent. I’ve tried many times and I am just horrible at it so I stick with Attack lol

LetsGetIt1220 I love Mercy, I am a damn good support with it, everybody thank me after the game regardless we win or lose :stuck_out_tongue: But i can’t aim well in this game somehow, so Ana won’t be my favourite as well :smiley:

This cant be real…

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ButtStallion Love it XD

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