Please smile 😉

I think someone is really happy by now :wink:

Good for you Katsuo but ew game :smiley: That smile is horrifying. If you dont need it, drop it out near me way home :smiley:

Dats not me wth

ButtStallion said in Please smile :wink::

Good for you Katsuo but ew game :smiley: That smile is horrifying. If you dont need it, drop it out near me way home :smiley:

Woah woah, that game is great.

teh_g Mili hurt my feelings so from now on, everything he plays is ew game :smiley:

Nice, have fun!

Maxamiliiii!!! \o/

How was Bloodborne not your first game?! My PSN name is same as Steam so send me friendships

ShiftySatchmo Because he couldn’t choose the game :stuck_out_tongue:


awwww yiss now wont talk with him for ages thanks XD


PeaceLeon said in Please smile :wink::

ShiftySatchmo Because he couldn’t choose the game :stuck_out_tongue:

Ah, a Christmas miracle? :wink:


ShiftySatchmo You could call it like that :wink:


ShiftySatchmo FF over Bloodborne! FF15 simply rocks! Also, I added u!

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ShiftySatchmo And join the gx networkkkkk Kai madeee

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