Raspberry Season.

This is the best Yield I have ever gotten with Raspberries.

I want some XD

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ArsonSami Well they will be here waiting for you. All you need to do is show up.!!


MyLifeForAiur I shall go to embassy and beg Canadians to give me visa XD

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ArsonSami i already did that is hard HAHAHAHAHAHA

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ArsonSami manguit0u Just tell them I sent you. XD

MyLifeForAiur I tell them Hey,sorry Mister Dave The game sent me XD hahaha

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Yummy yummy yummy

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now, this looks delicious :smiley:

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looks awesome! My blackberries started coming in about 2 weeks ago, and they also have produced the most we have seen in a long time. We can’t stop picking the things! My wife just went out to get some stuff to make a cobbler, because we have so many we don’t want them to spoil. I love blackberries and raspberries!


Polekatt Blackberries nice! I’ve never seen any wild blackberries before just Raspberries and Blueberries. A few of our Raspberries still need some more time but I’m finally able to eat some. It was fantastic.

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I think wild blackberries might be native to my region, and raspberries may be to you. I rarely see any wild raspberries here. We do have blueberries though. I have 5 little bushes that I planted about 3 years ago, and this is the first year they have a couple blueberries on them.

I have an acre field behind my house, that used to be a pasture. I usually bushhog it once or twice a year. A couple years ago, the tractor was tore up, so I had to let it grow up. It was then, I noticed wild blackberries growing out there, two great big patches. So now when I bushhog it, I just make squares around those blackberries and leave them growing.


I have almost half a hectar of raspberries back in my hometown and I’ll go help my family pick them on tuesday, since I’m done with my exams. It’s mid season now so there’s plenty. Not an easy work, but I admit that while studying I often thought “man, I wish I were sweating my back in the fields now” xD

Some pictures from last year(don’t mind the quality, I had a dinosaur phone)
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Dunja Nice google pics

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Katsuo nigguh https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=686558678143545&set=pb.100003682568460.-2207520000.1467505738.&type=3&theater

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Dunja Thanks for the broken link :wink: google ninja

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Katsuo Ah, I get it. You’re trying to rile me up cause I’m telling you all evening that you’re sick in the head xD

Dunja Sorry, this content isn’t available at the moment
The link you followed may have expired, or the Page may only be visible to an audience that you aren’t in.

Stop talking nonsense ninja. I’m perfectly sexy in ma head.

Katsuo it’s dlc

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Polekatt said in Raspberry Season.:


I think wild blackberries might be native to my region, and raspberries may be to you. I rarely see any wild raspberries here. We do have blueberries though. I have 5 little bushes that I planted about 3 years ago, and this is the first year they have a couple blueberries on them.

I have an acre field behind my house, that used to be a pasture. I usually bushhog it once or twice a year. A couple years ago, the tractor was tore up, so I had to let it grow up. It was then, I noticed wild blackberries growing out there, two great big patches. So now when I bushhog it, I just make squares around those blackberries and leave them growing.

I actually don’t get wild blueberries where I live. I’ve only ever seen them when I go on vacation to the northern part of the Province I live in. Out where all the black bears live. They love blueberries.

Dunja said in Raspberry Season.:

I have almost half a hectar of raspberries back in my hometown and I’ll go help my family pick them on tuesday, since I’m done with my exams. It’s mid season now so there’s plenty. Not an easy work, but I admit that while studying I often thought “man, I wish I were sweating my back in the fields now” xD

Some pictures from last year(don’t mind the quality, I had a dinosaur phone)

Dunja I’m jealous those raspberries look really good. It sounds like a lot of hard work. We have Strawberry farms near my place where you can pay for a basket and they will let you go out there and pick your own strawberries. It’s a lot of fun but also kinda exhausting especially with the sun out.

Katsuo said in Raspberry Season.:

Dunja Nice google pics
