Schlitty Completes Games in 2020

Gotta go fast.

Beat the campaign on Team Sonic Racing. Great idea with the team racing thing but they just didn’t commit enough to it. It has got the tracks, items, and campaign of a typical arcade kart racer. But then has a little more traditional/hardcore racing idea of team points. Didn’t quite work out. I wish they had more traditional tracks and a season mode or something. But it was fun enough to complete. 7+ hrs campaign if you play everything. But yeah, this coulda been way better if the committed to the idea. Multiplayer (only tried local) was a snore. All Stars and Transformed are the more fun games and definitely better for multiplayer.

SANIC out of 10


Another tiny puzzle game I got during the Summer Sale. Same guy that made HOOK and klocki that I liked. Same deal. Logical puzzles, minimalist design, and an hour of thinkin n clickin. All for pennies. :+1:

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As that meme of the DJ guy says; Another one.

Same dev, another hour+ of puzzles that I should probably play on my tablet instead of at the PC. I thought the puzzles were more fun in this one and the progression and difficulty arc was a nice smooth saunter. made me feel s-m-r-t smart. I’d score it up, left, and out of ten.

…Don’t worry, I only got one more of these from the Summer Sale to beat from this developer.

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Smrt in my language means death. Deadly smart?


Add to the beat list; Naboki, Hexcells, Hexcells Plus, Hidden Folks, West of Loathing, Zenge, Castle of Illusion, GRIS, Evergarden, Youropa, Hob, Cats Organized Neatly

Played a lot of Fall Guys (70hrs) and Among Us (8hrs) which is a lot more than my usual 0hrs of multiplayer.

Basically I played a bunch of shitty little puzzle games that may as well be mobile games this year, a couple platformers, and HL stuff. And some vroom vroom here and there of course, but not nearly enough.

29 games beat if you count HL2 ep1+2.

GOTY for me on the beat list; Youropa
GOTY that actually came out this year (but I haven’t beat); Risk of Rain 2 (85hrs, but only played it once since 1.0 release lol, still GOTY tho)

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Gotta try GRIS. Looks good! You actually finished more games than me and now I officially hate you.

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