Shadow Warrior 3

So this is my next game. So far it feels like more Wang at a faster pace. If you like the previous games, you like this one. So far the new mechanics I’ve noticed are wall running, grappling hook, and doom-like finishers. Currently running at max settings at 2160p>60 (usually >80, no dlss, no fsr). Will post more later.

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Oh and I forgot to mention, the only gripe I have so far is the 30fps video clip cut scenes that look like ass in contrast to actual gameplay. We really need to get rid of video clip cut-scenes.

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This game is fast paced but chill at the same time. Feels like Deadpool except you’re not immortal.

Just beat it! The best Shadow Warrior so far. Instead of an open world dealy, they just made it a linear action game. It’s like if Uncharted, recent Doom, and Deadpool had a baby. Recommended!

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Damn, I forgot shadow warrior exists. I still haven’t played the second one. I think I have it on like 79 different platforms.