I beat DK tropical freeze. Took about 6 hours, which is way under what HLTB said. Solid game. Had challenging parts. Nice old school platformer feel with decent mechanics. I’d give it an 8/10. You should play it if you can.
I beat Jurassic World Evolution on PC. Took 26 hours to do all of the missions and contract unlocks. Got 5 stars on every island. My subjective “I like dinosaurs” score is 8/10, but my objective score would be like 5-6/10. It’s a fun, chill game. Not a ton of variety in what you’re trying to do, not much of a story, and the end is anti-climatic. HOWEVER, dinosaurs.
I seriously haven’t finished a game since February?! Hahahahaha. Anyway, I beat Star Wars Battlefront 2. I didn’t touch the multiplayer. Anyhoo, for like the $5 I paid it was alright. Insanely short! There was free DLC to complete the story after the cliffhanger ending but I read it was terrible so I won’t bother. The story was meh, the gameplay was tight enough, and it was pretty easy. The graphics were great! It ran 80-140 FPS at Ultra 4k with HDR enabled. Absolutely amazing and made it worth playing for the eye candy. The space combat was alright. Like an easier Rogue Squadron. They definitely did a good job catching the sights and sounds of the Star Wars universe.
Anyhoo, if you just can’t get enough Star Wars and have $5 and 4 hours, worth a shot. 6/10 (bonus points for the graphics being so good).