This does not belong in Tech.

I was out and about on the interweb tonight and I was thinking I could use 2, 34 inch curved monitors so I went to my place and was going to buy them as they were on sale… but nope, gosh darn golly gee they are out of stock. :stuck_out_tongue: As if I could afford one comfortably… and then explaining it to the wife when we have a trip coming up would really be fun. lol.

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I can’t argue with the title!

Having a budget made my life so much easier for explaining purchases to my wife.

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Moved to Technology (jk lol)


teh_g said in This does not belong in Tech.:

I can’t argue with the title!

Having a budget made my life so much easier for explaining purchases to my wife.

Ah yes the budget… for our trip. :smiley: It’s okay I don’t have the GPU horsepower to run 2 of these as they deserve to be run anyhow. Next upgrade.

I want this one myself.±+LCD+Flat+Panel-_-N82E16824236717&gclid=CIqbnvDy4s0CFcNahgod0ScCNg&gclsrc=aw.ds

Sir_diealot Nice stand. I do not really want the Acer, it was just a picture I had a lol moment to and had to share. My wife has since read the original post and said go ahead, get it… I won’t be upset.

I am NOT falling for that again.


Ub6 said in This does not belong in Tech.:

Sir_diealot Nice stand. I do not really want the Acer, it was just a picture I had a lol moment to and had to share. My wife has since read the original post and said go ahead, get it… I won’t be upset.

I am NOT falling for that again.

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