To much in GoG Cloud

I am being told I have to much in GoG Cloud and it can’t save my game or Syn my data. How do I remove data without messing up my game, where do I go (I am guessing GoG folder) how do I go about removing it without destroying my saves. I just played for a few hours and my computer has my time in it but I can’t sync because GoG Cloud is full. Help.

I have to go to bed to be up in the morning but will check when I get back in the late afternoon, I have to drive a guy 3 hrs. one way to go look at a horse.

Thanks for the help.

sir_diealot Interesting… I never even thought about cleaning up cloud saves ever for anything. If it is like Steam, it basically syncs all your local saves, so when you delete saves locally (in game) they get deleted remotely.

For my 2 GOG games I have on this PC (currenlty at work) the Saves are in C:\Users\User and either under the developer’s name or the game’s name.

Once you find the correct folder where the saves are will be dependent on the game & it would pay to research.

I actually found it better to delete the game saves while in the games themselves as sometimes it tries to redownload from the cloud the deleted saves.