Finished this one (again). This time, I was hunting the platinum trophy and it was so much worth it. Game is nuts and the deaths are ridiculous. What’s even better, the game looks and runs way better on PS5 than on PS4 Pro. I’m raising the score for this one to 9/10 because the second playthrough was more interesting and bit more bloody. Play it, you’ll love it.
I started this up to try to keep my PS5 momentum going. It’s so insanely silly that it’s good. As a fan of MST3k/Rifftrax this is amazing. It’s like a bad movie in video game form. The premise, the animations, the writing, the deaths… Absurdly hilarious.
It’s everything it should be.
Finished it off. Lost two of the 30 year old looking teenagers. One by surprise and one because I was too impatient at the end. Might revisit it some time and doom them all. Was a wild game in so many ways. Good times.
You definitely should go for all death run. Some of the deaths are just straight up insane. AND you will get a platinum for that ohoho
So this is my next game…well the remaster that is (PC/PS5). Currently running at almost max settings at 2160p>60 (usually >80, DLSS: Quality, RTX: all on, HDR: on). The only thing I had to turn off was some dynamic shadow thing that was taking me below 60fps. Oh and this is the first fucking game to have a functional HDR calibrator. All other games just show you a picture and expect you to know when it’s good as if you were on the dev team and know the intended look.
Pretty fun so far, it feels like one of those dark pictures anthology games minus the ancient shitty low quality low res video clip cut scene they play at the beginning of all of them.
Will post more later!
So far it’s fun, but I really don’t care who dies, they’re all unlikable.
Haha a couple of them grow on you (if they make it)
Just beat it! An excellent palette cleanser game. I did find the bonus interviews to be fairly cringe. One of the voice actors actually said something along the lines of “…yeah it’s your generic teen horror, but each of the characters are so unique…” . Either he hasn’t seen many teen movies, had a 25 year gestation period thus skipping his teen years, or has lead a very sheltered life. None of the characters are unique other than their physical appearance. They’re all cringe lord teenage assholes/morons that match stereotypes exactly. That said, I didn’t try to kill anyone, but I did lose some.
Recommended. My only regrets are I had to pirate it.