Vanquish PC port teased

I got Bloodborne. So I’m happy. And I read this…I’m ultra so damn happy. I want it so bad!!!

delete half of the title, an ultrawide screen is not enough for that.

ButtStallion press ctrl - multiple times

Katsuo CtrlCtrlCtrlCtrlCtrlCtrlCtrlCtrlCtrlCtrlCtrlCtrlCtrlCtrlCtrlCtrlCtrlCtrlCtrlCtrlCtrlCtrl


ButtStallion copy pasta master :open_mouth:

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Katsuo I love italian food and I cook damn good.

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I am excited for this one

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ShiftySatchmo Vanquish is the main reason why I love Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance. It’s basically the same game but with swords haha
Can’t wait for this. Platinum is awesomeeeeeeeeeeee

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Katsuo how do you like bloodborne

ShiftySatchmo The box is really nice! XD
Still downloading the 10GB patch…

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ShiftySatchmo I tried the first area in Bloodborne aaaand it’s freaking awesome. Bloodborne might be my new favorite game haha
But I hope the rest of the game is a bit challenging. The central area feels like a tutorial area for me.

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Katsuo it’s one of my favorite games of all time. The different areas have varying difficulty depending on your class and play style just like any other souls game. I thought some parts were easy and some were hard and then my friends had the opposite feelings haha .

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ShiftySatchmo Nice! I cleaned the entire central Yharnam and got hit twice. The gun parry staggering thing is so much fun XD
For some reason I like the lovecraftian theme more than the medieval one in Dark Souls.
I also picked the violent past class since it’s a bit more hack and slashy than pew pew but not so much HP. Second playthrough I should go with the waste of skin class. It kinda describes me </3

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Katsuo I like the boss design in this one. I still need to replay and do the DLC.

ShiftySatchmo I’ll purchase the DLC on sale. The box GOTY was too expensive for me. You should replay Bloodborne so we can chit-chat about it XD

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Katsuo haha I remember a lot of it.

Confirmed! May 25th! 4k res support, unlocked framerates, Steam achievements, trading cards, life, love, naked women. YESHSHSHSHS

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And after they patched most of the jank out, it’s now my current game! It really does feel like the mid 2000s. Aged fairly well all things considered. Runs at a solid 1440p60 at max settings. The asterisk being that I had to disable the drivers for all input devices except for my mouse and keyboard or my mouse and keyboard would not work. I also had to force vsync externally because the in game vsync caps you to 30fps and with it off you get like 800fps with mega tearing. Also all cut scenes look choppy as fuck.

Gameplay is pretty fun so far. Will post more later.


You’re old and that’s why it’s choppy for you. Nothing was choppy for me. YOUNG BABY

Everything @Katsuo likes is 110% perfect dont you dare say something negative :open_mouth: