This is my next game! It was made in Unreal but seemingly was made to look as much like the engine Valve uses for first person shooters as possible. Right down to the UI, and the somewhat dated way the player moves in Half-Life/Portal games, the weapons, the crowbar, and a bunch of other stuff. If I just sat you down in front of the game and didn’t let you see me launch it and didn’t let you see the splash screens, you’d immediately say it was a HL2 mod.
That said, it’s extremely well done. Kind of feels like Half-Life had a baby with Doom. They also pimped out the settings. There’s so many settings. I’m currently running at nearly max settings at 2160p>60 (usually >80, DLSS: Ultra Quality, All RTX options enabled). I only had to turn down two things and both were RTX settings and I only had to turn them down to “Ultra” from “Ultra+”. Oh, and the RTX really makes the HL2 art style look much more modern than it has any right to.
My only gripe is that I had to pirate it because poor. Will post more later!