
So this is and was my next game! Just beat it. It’s one of those nice palette cleanser games. It’s a platformer and semi-collectathon but also you can walk and surf on water and also have a grappling hook. With a dash of light parkour and a half-decent story. It’s short but satisfying. There’s no graphics settings other than resolution and vsync. DSR doesn’t work so you will have minor jaggies at 2160p. A potato could run it so you’ll be locked at 144fps if you have a 4k monitor or less. Recommended!

I had to pirate it due to having the poor, but you can buy it here:

I’m not gonna lie, I hate games that look like Wavetale. That artstyle is just annoying to look at IMO. Probably also the reason why I didn’t like the recent Zelda games.