website icon

gord0 Gotta say more than that lol, why is it yucky

FPSmadMEDIC said in website icon:

gord0 Gotta say more than that lol, why is it yucky

Dunno… it gives me the vibe of “not finished” or “tacky”

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gord0 You are right, it is not finished. I just wanted to get the direction it was going and get opinions on it hence the “idea #1:slight_smile: Thanks for your feed back and hopefully by tonight more will have responded and I will have a better idea going

gord0 Here is rough idea #2 lol I dont have much practice in simple stuff like this and tend to go to far. Most of the logs I have made have a lot involved so I am having a hard time with this xD 0_1467912917600_Gaming Exodus Button and Icon2.jpg


FPSmadMEDIC Get creative then bro, skies the limit :smiley:

Only0neKnight Yea teh_g wants it simple so I am trying to “KISS” Keep It Simple Stupid. If I go to town it will be a nuts icon and hard to read/see clear as a icon or button so simple is better for this by far

FPSmadMEDIC You can be creatively simple. Cmon man you got this :smiley:

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Only0neKnight Oh I am sure I can create something that might or would get used, but I want feedback from the users. teh_g has asked for our help and I would like to create something all the users would like to look at :wink:

FPSmadMEDIC said in website icon:

gord0 Here is rough idea #2 lol I dont have much practice in simple stuff like this and tend to go to far. Most of the logs I have made have a lot involved so I am having a hard time with this xD

This one’s good.

FPSmadMEDIC said in website icon:

MeFFFlenn Like so? xD Gaming Exodus Anti GTribe Logo. teh_g On the real side of things though what size do you need the banner and any other graphics you may need? I am game to offer my free time to get this place set up on some good looks

I think I need:

  • A small favicon (32x32) for browsers
  • Something that can easily be resized and is square. Maybe max of like 500x500?
  • Not sure about a banner, something that will fit in the top of most browser windows and fit in? Probably scaleable down?

FPSmadMEDIC said in website icon:

gord0 Here is rough idea #2 lol I dont have much practice in simple stuff like this and tend to go to far. Most of the logs I have made have a lot involved so I am having a hard time with this xD

I like this one more than the green one. It has a simple look, is readable, and doesn’t have eye scaling colors :smiley:

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FPSmadMEDIC said in website icon:

MeFFFlenn Like so? xD Gaming Exodus Anti GTribe Logo. teh_g On the real side of things though what size do you need the banner and any other graphics you may need? I am game to offer my free time to get this place set up on some good looks

FPSmadMEDIC Love the idea :slight_smile:
But I think apart from being ANTI-Something we should make a difference in the way what we think wrong with someone :slight_smile: and I think we should not stand against something but we should stand FOR something, for some good deeds that make a huge difference :slight_smile:


FPSmadMEDIC said in website icon:

MeFFFlenn Like so? xD Gaming Exodus Anti GTribe Logo. teh_g On the real side of things though what size do you need the banner and any other graphics you may need? I am game to offer my free time to get this place set up on some good looks

I didn’t notice this one before. Use this one. We’re done here everyone no need to work on any more logos! ×D



Two Small idea from me :slight_smile:


vijaydasr said in website icon:


Two Small idea from me :slight_smile:

I like how it looks on the right side with the words fully spelled, but the GX logos look weird. No one would guess what they stand for without the full words spelled beside them.

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vijaydasr the Anti GTribe one was only meant as a joke. I would never actually hold a anti stance against GTribe. They havent wronged me really and I am just an observer that learned after the fact of what had happened.


FPSmadMEDIC said in website icon:

vijaydasr the Anti GTribe one was only meant as a joke. I would never actually hold a anti stance against GTribe. They havent wronged me really and I am just an observer that learned after the fact of what had happened.

I also wouldn’t use it :smiley:


teh_g Wouldnt be a good idea to use it, granted I tweaked the G some but its still unsafe to use with Angels approach to everything lol. Here is a matching banner to use as well

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FPSmadMEDIC Well, Gtribe logo is basically stolen from “abbot pharma” company logo(see for yourself ), just flipped horizontally and painted red, so… :smile:
But I’m sure we can come up with better logo designs than GT, I think we should just leave that place behind us…


FPSmadMEDIC Me too :slight_smile: I know it is a joke from the comment you posted :slight_smile: don’t misunderstand :slight_smile: I just wanted to say that to remind everyone to make this forum stand for something good :slight_smile: <3

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I’ll snag a couple of the mock ups people have done and make another thread for voting on which idea people like more!