website icon

Hey all,

There was a thread that I can’t find for the life of me where someone made a nice icon for the site. I’d love to have some formal images:

  • Small favicon, maybe just the GX
  • A small banner or button that can be used on other sites or in signatures
  • Maybe a larger banner. Not sure how well it will fit on this site, but I think I can add something on the top

I will admit I have no artistic talent and am terrible at deciding what things look like. I think something simple is always the best though!

teh_g You know I do graphics on the side for extra monies right? Lets see what everyone gets to talking about in here and I can make you a few for the site


FPSmadMEDIC said in website icon:

teh_g You know I do graphics on the side for extra monies right? Lets see what everyone gets to talking about in here and I can make you a few for the site

I’d be down for that! We will see what the hive mind thinks :stuck_out_tongue:


Gutter aka Mark created those. Ask him.

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vijaydasr does all my graphics as I suck :smiley: Seems to be a lot of good talent! Once we have an official one, I’ll add one to sidebar.


LetsGetIt1220 That is totally what drove me to ask for this! I was jealous.


teh_g yeah that was gutter and vijaydasr messaged me about offering to take a shot at one. I figured we could do a community poll once we have a few, yeah?


teh_g Want to be really jealous, check this.

0_1467827358699_Profile Photo 200x200.png



Easy to see why I outsourced :smiley: Many thanks again to the man Vijay for helping me out. Without him, my site would look foolish lol.


LetsGetIt1220 I do like the nice simple design. I get distracted if things are wicked flashy.

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teh_g Same here - will be nice to see what some of the guys and/or girls can come up with :smiley: Be nice to have a couple things I can play with for adding to my site.

My small contribution. :wink:


Maybe a Roadsign with a Gtribe G crossed out by an X XD

Zmajuga said in website icon:

My small contribution. :wink:

Looks good! That can be resized nicely as well to a favicon.


lol Enos_Tech_Reviews you don’t need to thank me for that Ben. I always try to give my share of love to my friends the way i can. I love to see someone smile really :slight_smile:

Thanks ShiftySatchmo :slight_smile: for the mention, but what I told Ben is the same I need to tell you hehe :smiley:
We all are friends.

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Zmajuga That is a cool one friend :slight_smile:


vijaydasr said in website icon:

Zmajuga That is a cool one friend :slight_smile:

Thanks. :smiley:

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MeFFFlenn Like so? xD Gaming Exodus Anti GTribe Logo. teh_g On the real side of things though what size do you need the banner and any other graphics you may need? I am game to offer my free time to get this place set up on some good looks


FPSmadMEDIC Yup you read my mind XD

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Here is my real Gaming Exodus idea #1 feel free to give thoughts and I will keep playing around with it. I will make a Banner to match it as well. 0_1467908431736_Gaming Exodus Button and Icon.jpg

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FPSmadMEDIC said in website icon:

Here is my real Gaming Exodus idea #1 feel free to give thoughts and I will keep playing around with it. I will make a Banner to match it as well.

Respectfully this looks yuky lol