Witcher 4 coming !!

if the tittle is too much then i will change it…sorry in advance but i am just too much excited for that news

Yeah, anyway to edit that title?

sYnCroSis said in The Cum Has Fallen:

Yeah, anyway to edit that title?

Just change it to “Jizz in my pants” or something. I’ve never heard the verb “fell” used with cum lol… Unless you were on the top of a ladder or something… XD

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gord0 I was saying change it because it’s pretty crass. There are other ways of getting the same point across and Mehran is an educated guy so I’m sure he can put a good title together that isn’t crude.


Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy, oh boy!

i am sorry…i was just over excited…

Ya that title was all kinds of ummmm, don’t click me LOL Was expecting Free porn TBH :wink:

Game looks good, shame I’ll never play it but may add it to my Library anyways, ya, I’m one of those guys :wink:


I’m skeptical. They said before that The Witcher 3 is the end of Geralt’s story. For me The Witcher without Geralt is like Mass Effect without Shepard.


Artem_Zmitrovich well said

Artem_Zmitrovich said in Witcher 4 coming !!:

I’m skeptical. They said before that The Witcher 3 is the end of Geralt’s story. For me The Witcher without Geralt is like Mass Effect without Shepard.

I understand and feel the same which is why I am not getting the new Mass Effect right away, but I think they writing team is much much stronger at CD PROJEKT RED than at Bioware and I think they can pull it off.

I want new games with new theme and new storyline and new characters. Not sequels or anything similar to that. If CDPR is smart enough, they’ll leave Witcher alone and focus on new IPs and Cyberpunk 2077.


Not the game i had in mind when reading the title :smirk:

Katsuo I love the Witcher, despite needing to finish it, but i think a new game with a different protagonist could carry the series on. Is Ciri the winner? Ehh maybe but someone that isn’t Geralt would work! He’s had his time, let him retire! Haha


Spinalfailed Well, the game has 36 endings. And each ending pretty much closed the game entirely. So not sure what would be the Ciri’s story in a new game when everything is pretty much said and done. I just want CDPR to focus their asses on Cyberpunk 2077. I want that thing to be even bigger than Witcher series.

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Not looking good for your dream.

No witcher 4 likely

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